Axthelm’s Journey to IVF

Shirley, INDIANA (US)
Created 6 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Axthelm’s Journey to IVF

by Ashley Axthelm

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $7,500.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $1,925.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$1,925.00 raised of $7,500.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Shirley, INDIANA (US)

Ashley Axthelm is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Evan and I have been trying to build our family for the last 3.5 years. Growing up there was never any medical concerns for either of us that would be a potential threat to us starting a family. In 2020 I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). We knew from that point I would likely struggle to conceive naturally. In January of 2021 we started our first round of infertility treatments through the OBGYN. Four rounds of failed treatments, he referred us to an infertility specialist. July of 2021 we met with our infertility doctor, Dr. Gentry. He decided to up my medication. We did another three rounds; all failed. November we went with a second treatment–injection shots. Three times a day for seven days I gave myself injection shots. Everything was looking positive…literally. December 1, 2021 I took an at home pregnancy test at 3:30 in the morning. Much to my surprise it was finally positive! I sat in the bathroom quietly crying tears of joy, not wanting to wake Evan up. When I got to work I called the infertility office to let them know the good news. They told me I would need to go to the local hospital to do a blood test to confirm. On my lunch break I went home to tell Evan the good news. Praying this day would one day come, I had made a little something for the day I would get to tell Evan the good news. I went to what would be the nursery and grabbed the bag. I came out and handed it to Evan. As he opened it you could see the tears well up in his eyes. I remember him looking at me and asking “Is this actually happening?” I went to the hospital right after work to go get the blood draw. Waiting for the nurse to finish the blood draw, I just had this gut wrenching feeling that something was off. By the time I got home, the results of my blood draw had already posted to my patient portal–negative. How was I supposed to tell Evan it was a false positive. I got his hopes up. Feeling all sorts of emotions–everything from being crushed to angry I went to the bathroom and took another at home pregnancy test. This time a different brand, different type. I knew what the results were going to be so I angrily tossed it in the trash and walked away. A little while later I went back and pulled it out of the trash can–positive. Extremely confused I just sat there in disbelief. Two at home pregnancy tests both reading positive, but my blood draw was negative. I called the infertility doctor the next day. She told me to test again in a couple weeks. I tested Christmas Eve–negative. Again just completely confused and crushed we pressed on for another treatment. January 2022 we did another round of injection shots. Coming up short again we decided we needed to take a break. Mentally, emotionally, I couldn’t take much more. Financially we had put ourselves into a place we never wanted to be, but growing our family was something we desperately wanted. While taking some time from infertility treatments, we decided we would search for more answers. I went to see a pelvic floor doctor who recommend we do a laparoscopy. In November 2023 a week before Thanksgiving I went in for my procedure. After returning to my room, I remember laying in the cold, dark recovery room with Evan not fully awake. I asked him “Is it bad?” to which he responded “your tubes are blocked.” I laid there just crying. A follow up appointment with my infertility doctor, he wanted to do a HSG to check the internal shape of the uterus. In doing so he unblocked my tubes, but believed I had a bicornuate uterus (heart shaped vs. the normal pear shape). He sent me in for a MRI of my pelvis. The findings came back that I didn’t actually have a bicornuate uterus, but I did have a decent size fibroid growing on my uterus, likely causing issues with implantation. Dr. Gentry wanted to just by pass my tubes all together because there is always a chance they will get blocked again. I was still holding onto the hope that we could conceive naturally with help so we compromised. Feeling 100% differently from any other round of treatment, I thought for sure this was our time. Our follicles were measuring where they needed to be, I wasn’t anxious. I was actually really excited because I would be testing in the same state where I was saved–Tennessee. The circumstances were all alike–I was going to be with people I really didn’t know, I wasn’t going to be with any of my family, but I just knew it was a sign. However, I tested at 4:00 in the morning on March 16 in Nashville, TN and came up short yet again. My heart just broke again. 10 treatments now, that have all failed. 3 procedures looking for answers, and we continue to come up short. So here we are, anticipating starting our journey with IVF in the fall. The financial burden on top of feeling emotionally, and mentally crushed has left us feeling scared. We’ve saved up some money, but no where near the amount it’s going to cost us to hand the infertility doctor the day we go in to start IVF. No payment options, it’s all paid for upfront. Insurance doesn’t cover any medication, procedures, etc. pertaining to infertility. Everything has been out of our pocket the last 3.5 years.

If you’ve read this far, thank you for reading our story. It’s been hard, but we have a great support system that has kept us on the path moving forward.

If you feel inclined, even $5 can help us reach our goal. Thank you for supporting us on our adventure to growing our family.

Much love,
Evan & Ashley

  • 06-10-2024

    Medications & Upcoming Procedure

    The last 10 days I have been on some pretty strong medications to get me ready for the next step of our journey. I\'ve went in every other day to do blood draws to check estrogen levels & to have ultrasounds where they measured the size of the follicles. Today when I left I had 28 follicles growing. While we won\'t take all 28 follicles, there are plenty to choose from. My estrogen levels were perfect (according to the nurse), allowing us to move on to the next step in the process.

    Wednesday, June 12th will be the egg retrieval (8:30 a.m.). I will undergo a small procedure/surgery to retrieve the eggs so they can then start the fertilization process. Once they fertilize the eggs, they will then send them off to be genetically tested. Through the genetic testing they will be able to tell us which embryos are viable and which are not, giving us a greater chance of conceiving, in addition to what the gender of the embryos are.

  • 06-18-2024


    28 eggs in my ovaries on Monday, June 10
    21 eggs retrieved on Wednesday, June 12
    14 were mature on Thursday, June 13
    12 fertilized on Thursday, June 13
    3 grew into the start of embryos on Tuesday, June 18

Name Donation Date
David Plouch $100.00 June 14, 2024
Mike Mattingly $500.00 June 13, 2024
Cassidy Sexton $25.00 June 11, 2024
Pam Wentz $50.00 June 10, 2024
Anonymous $50.00 May 19, 2024
Anonymous $500.00 May 05, 2024
Keegan Sellers $35.00 April 29, 2024
Amy leisure $20.00 April 28, 2024
Joyce KLINE $50.00 April 27, 2024
Crystal Jones $50.00 April 27, 2024
Dearwyn Knittel $200.00 April 27, 2024
Miki Cole $20.00 April 26, 2024
Anonymous $50.00 April 26, 2024
Megan Schmidt $25.00 April 26, 2024
Emily Christman $50.00 April 26, 2024
Bethany Raymond $100.00 April 26, 2024
Anonymous $100.00 April 26, 2024
Anonymous commented with a $50 donation about 5 months ago
Praying for your journey!
Anonymous commented with a $500 donation about 5 months ago
Evan and Ashley, we have felt compelled to use our tithe to give to the church body as needs come up. Thank you for sharing a piece of your story. We are praying for you and your family and for God's presence to feel near to you during this time. Praying He grows your hope, trust, and faith in Him and that you would feel secure to call out to Him in all your needs, frustrations, desires, anger, sorrow, and joy. Please let us know if there is anything you need or any other specific ways we can be praying for you. Love, Tess (Behler) & Jimmy Maiarana
Keegan Sellers commented with a $70 donation about 5 months ago
I am praying for you both!
Joyce KLINE commented with a $50 donation about 5 months ago
You two will make beautiful parents!
Miki Cole commented with a $20 donation about 5 months ago
Anonymous commented with a $50 donation about 5 months ago
Prayers and love sent your way!❤️🙏